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Mapped Out Money

Nov 29, 2021

#066: 0% financing options are EVERYWHERE! Nick and I have found ourselves repeatedly tempted by 0% financing. And apparently you guys have too, because Nick has gotten an influx of questions on this topic lately. We're discussing our framework to keep our 0%-ing (it's a verb now 🙃) in check. 


Nov 22, 2021

#065: This episode is more than just a gift guide. We're discussing a framework to help you give better, more meaningful gifts. And we're sharing a few specific things we love. Happy Thanksgiving, friends!

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Nov 16, 2021

#064: Are you bisoning or ostriching with your money? Bison plan ahead for the future and face the storms of life head on. Ostriches stick their head in the sand and just try to "get by" as life happens to them. We're talking about the perks of being a bison and how you can start bisoning with your money...

Nov 8, 2021

#063: Morgan Housel provides an incredibly clear explanation of why Americans think about money the way they do. And we think his insight is really helpful as it relates to navigating our current situation well. Join us as we try to soak up some of Housel's smarts!

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